Monday, December 6, 2010

No, Hadley! Book

I love this darling book about a little boy who mostly hears "No!" from his mommy. It has very few words so it is easily one of Hadley's (my 3 year old) favorites. She has it memorized. I thought it would be fun to make a book about Hadley that mimicked the pictures and words from this book.

Here is the page that gets the most giggles. David is running away after his bath.
The page that will go in my book is the one below. Hadley loves posing for each of the pages. She wants to make the book too.

When I get them all taken and edited (in Picasa 3) then I will send them off to be published. I don't know of a company yet but I hope I hear of some favorites that are easy to use and fairly inexpensive.

What I am doing here.

I started this blog as a means to get the ideas out of my head and actually do something with them. I have notebooks full of things I want to create, but most of them stay there waiting for me to find the time or money or talent to make them. I have even spent time designing my notebooks to show myself what I have the potential to do. This photo is only of the ones that were laying around the house. This blog will be my new notebook and perhaps it will get me somewhere. I have dabbled a little in my own scrapbook business and have loved teaching my own classes a little here and there. This will be like a classroom, I guess, where I can say, "Here is another idea I have. Who wants to make this with me?" I have to make this a blog versus a journal entry because:  1. Everything is funner with a friend and 2. I really want to know what others think. I love to see the different things that come from one idea. How fun it will be to have a collective place to "imagine" and share what actually goes on in one's head. So look out. If you love something I do, then you can join my fan club (ha ha). If you don't...then just press the back button at the top of the screen. Leave comments to give your own ideas a voice.  So, with this, the notebook is officially open.